When it comes to selecting the perfect stroller for your growing family, you want a product that offers not just convenience but also style and durability. The Thule Urban Glide 2 Double Stroller is a remarkable choice that ticks all these boxes and more. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the world of the Thule Urban Glide 2 Double Stroller, exploring its features, benefits, and why it stands out in the market.

Why Choose the Thule Urban Glide 2 Double Stroller?

Choosing the Thule Urban Glide 2 Double Stroller is a decision driven by a multitude of compelling reasons. This stroller seamlessly blends style and substance, offering an aesthetically pleasing design alongside robust functionality. Its innovative suspension system ensures a smooth, comfortable ride for your children, even on uneven terrain, setting it apart from the competition. The swivel front wheel grants effortless maneuverability, making it easy to navigate through crowded spaces or indulge in outdoor adventures. Safety is paramount, with the stroller boasting a secure 5-point harness system, giving parents peace of mind. Its versatility shines through, adapting effortlessly to jogging sessions or everyday tasks, catering to various lifestyles. With a spacious cargo compartment and an easy-to-clean fabric, practicality meets convenience. The Thule Urban Glide 2 Double Stroller is a testament to durability, constructed from high-quality materials to ensure longevity. When you choose this stroller, you invest in comfort, safety, style, and a hassle-free parenting experience.

Design and Build

The design and build of the Thule Urban Glide 2 Double Stroller are a testament to thoughtful craftsmanship. Its sleek and modern aesthetics not only make it a stylish choice but also reflect its robust construction. Crafted for durability, this stroller can withstand the demands of everyday use. What truly sets it apart is the innovative suspension system, ensuring a smooth and comfortable ride for your little ones even on bumpy terrains. This stroller’s swivel front wheel adds a touch of maneuverability, allowing for easy navigation through crowded streets and tight spaces. In the world of double strollers, the Thule Urban Glide 2 combines form and function seamlessly.

Innovative Suspension System

The innovative suspension system of the Thule Urban Glide 2 Double Stroller is a game-changer in the world of baby strollers. Designed with precision, it guarantees a smooth and comfortable ride for your little ones, even on challenging terrains. This cutting-edge system absorbs shocks and vibrations, ensuring that bumps in the road don’t translate into discomfort for your children. Whether you’re strolling through the park, jogging, or tackling uneven paths, the suspension system delivers an unmatched level of comfort and stability. It’s a testament to Thule’s commitment to creating a safe and enjoyable experience for both parents and their precious cargo.

Easy Maneuverability

Easy maneuverability is at the heart of the Thule Urban Glide 2 Double Stroller’s design. This stroller’s swivel front wheel is a game-changer, allowing effortless navigation through crowded streets, tight spaces, and winding paths. It’s a feature that sets this stroller apart, making it a joy to push and steer. Moreover, the front wheel can be locked in place when you’re jogging or tackling rough terrains, ensuring stability and safety for your little ones. Whether you’re running errands in the city or venturing off-road for an adventure, the Thule Urban Glide 2 makes every journey smooth and stress-free, giving parents peace of mind and convenience.

Comfort and Safety

Comfort and safety are paramount when it comes to the Thule Urban Glide 2 Double Stroller. Your child’s well-being is ensured with a plush and padded seat that provides a cozy and comfortable experience, even on long journeys. The 5-point harness system adds an extra layer of safety, keeping your little ones securely strapped in, regardless of the terrain you traverse. Parents can confidently navigate the world with this stroller, knowing that their children are both comfortable and well-protected. Thule’s commitment to comfort and safety shines through in every aspect of this exceptional double stroller, making it a top choice for discerning parents.

Padded Seats

The Thule Urban Glide 2 Double Stroller prioritizes your child’s comfort with its luxurious padded seats. These plush, cushioned seats provide an exceptionally cozy and inviting environment for your little ones, ensuring a delightful and comfortable ride, even during extended outings. Whether your child is napping, observing the world, or simply enjoying the ride, the padded seats offer the perfect balance of support and softness. It’s a thoughtful feature that sets this stroller apart, enhancing the overall experience for both child and parent. With the Thule Urban Glide 2, you can be sure that your child’s comfort is never compromised.

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5-Point Harness System

The Thule Urban Glide 2 Double Stroller boasts an advanced 5-point harness system that stands as a testament to its commitment to child safety. This intricate harness ensures that your little ones are securely strapped in, providing parents with peace of mind during every journey. With its five points of attachment – two at the shoulders, two at the hips, and one at the crotch – it offers the highest level of security and prevents any unwanted wiggling or sliding. This feature is especially crucial for active parents, as it guarantees that their children are snugly and safely fastened, allowing them to enjoy the ride without worry.

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“The Versatile Marvel: Thule Urban Glide 2 Double Stroller”

The Thule Urban Glide 2 Double Stroller redefines versatility, catering to various lifestyles and activities. For active parents, it’s an exceptional jogging companion, thanks to its all-terrain capabilities and maneuverability. On the flip side, it effortlessly adapts to everyday life, making errands and park visits a breeze. Whether you’re a fitness enthusiast, city dweller, or outdoor adventurer, this stroller has you covered. Its ability to transition seamlessly between different settings ensures that it remains a valuable and practical asset throughout your parenting journey, accommodating your ever-changing needs and preferences with ease.

Jogging and Outdoor Adventures

The Thule Urban Glide 2 Double Stroller is your perfect companion for jogging and outdoor adventures. Engineered for active parents, it excels on various terrains, from smooth city streets to rugged trails. With its swivel front wheel, it offers effortless maneuverability, allowing you to maintain control while jogging at your preferred pace. The stroller’s innovative suspension system absorbs shocks, providing a smooth ride for your children, even when you venture off the beaten path. Whether you’re an avid jogger looking to maintain your fitness routine or a nature enthusiast seeking outdoor adventures, this stroller empowers you to embrace an active lifestyle while ensuring your little ones are safe and comfortable.

Everyday Ease with the Thule Urban Glide 2 Double Stroller

The Thule Urban Glide 2 Double Stroller seamlessly integrates into your daily life, making it the ideal choice for everyday use. Whether you’re running errands, taking a leisurely stroll in the park, or simply navigating the city streets, this stroller proves to be a versatile and reliable companion. Its swivel front wheel ensures easy maneuverability, allowing you to navigate tight spaces effortlessly. With a spacious cargo compartment, it accommodates your essentials during grocery runs or outings. This stroller effortlessly adapts to the demands of your daily routine, simplifying your tasks while providing comfort and convenience for both parent and child.

Storage and Convenience

Storage and convenience are at the forefront of the Thule Urban Glide 2 Double Stroller’s design. Its generous cargo compartment provides ample space for all your essentials, making it perfect for shopping trips, picnics, and outings. You can confidently stow away diapers, snacks, toys, and more, ensuring you’re well-prepared for any adventure. Moreover, when your journey is complete, the stroller’s compact fold mechanism allows for effortless storage in your car trunk or closet. This thoughtful combination of storage and convenience ensures that the Thule Urban Glide 2 simplifies your life as a parent, making every outing a hassle-free and enjoyable experience for both you and your children.

Spacious Cargo Compartment

The Thule Urban Glide 2 Double Stroller features a spacious cargo compartment that is a game-changer for parents on the go. This generously sized storage area offers ample room for all your essentials, from diaper bags and snacks to toys and extra clothing. Whether you’re embarking on a day of shopping or a family outing, you can confidently pack everything you need, knowing it will be easily accessible. The convenience of the spacious cargo compartment enhances your overall experience, making the Thule Urban Glide 2 the perfect choice for busy parents who refuse to compromise on practicality and organization during their adventures.

Compact Fold

The Thule Urban Glide 2 Double Stroller takes convenience to the next level with its compact fold feature. After a day of adventures or errands, the stroller can be effortlessly folded into a compact size, a testament to its user-friendly design. This compact fold not only simplifies storage but also makes it easy to transport in your car trunk or store in a closet when not in use. The one-handed fold mechanism ensures that you can manage it even while holding your child. With this feature, the Thule Urban Glide 2 adds a touch of practicality to your parenting journey, ensuring that it remains hassle-free from start to finish.

Maintenance and Cleaning

Maintenance and cleaning are a breeze with the Thule Urban Glide 2 Double Stroller. Its design prioritizes practicality, featuring easy-to-clean fabric that simplifies the process of tidying up after spills and messes. The durable materials used in its construction not only ensure longevity but also make routine maintenance hassle-free. You can keep your stroller looking and functioning like new with minimal effort, allowing you to focus more on enjoying your adventures with your little ones and less on the upkeep. Thule’s commitment to user-friendly maintenance and cleaning adds an extra layer of convenience to an already exceptional stroller.

Easy-to-Clean Fabric

The Thule Urban Glide 2 Double Stroller features easy-to-clean fabric, making it a practical choice for parents. Life with little ones can be messy, but this stroller’s fabric is designed to withstand spills and stains with ease. A simple wipe-down or gentle cleaning ensures that the stroller always looks its best, even after the messiest adventures. This thoughtful feature not only saves time and effort but also keeps the stroller looking fresh and vibrant, enhancing its overall appeal. With the Thule Urban Glide 2, you can confidently embrace family outings, knowing that any inevitable spills can be swiftly and effortlessly dealt with.

Durable Materials

The Thule Urban Glide 2 Double Stroller is constructed with durable materials that embody its commitment to longevity and reliability. Crafted to withstand the rigors of daily use, these high-quality materials ensure that the stroller remains sturdy and resilient over time. From bustling city streets to rugged outdoor trails, this stroller can handle it all. The durability of its materials not only extends the stroller’s lifespan but also reduces the need for frequent replacements, making it a cost-effective and sustainable choice for parents. With the Thule Urban Glide 2, you can trust that your investment will continue to provide exceptional performance, comfort, and safety for years to come.


In conclusion, the Thule Urban Glide 2 Double Stroller is a versatile and dependable choice for parents with two young children. Its design, comfort, safety features, and ease of use make it a top contender in the market. Whether you’re a fitness enthusiast, a city dweller, or someone who loves outdoor adventures, this stroller has you covered.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to enhance your parenting experience with the Thule Urban Glide 2 Double Stroller. Invest in quality, comfort, and style today!


Is the Thule Urban Glide 2 Double Stroller suitable for newborns?

Yes, with the appropriate infant car seat adapter, it can accommodate newborns.

Can I use this stroller for twins?

Absolutely! It’s designed to comfortably fit two children.

Is it easy to fold and store in a car trunk?

Yes, the stroller has a simple and compact folding mechanism for easy storage.

What are the available color options for this stroller?

The Thule Urban Glide 2 Double Stroller comes in a variety of stylish colors to suit your preference.

Is there a warranty included with the purchase of this stroller?

Yes, Thule offers a limited warranty to ensure your peace of mind.

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